Published by RinduKu under on 9:50 PM


The artist who drew the pictures of the Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W) has died in afire. He was burned alive. Denmark governmen t is hiding the news from the public and everyone has to know. Plz spread this... . (Its the price one must pay 4 the insult of Allah's Prophet) Forward this to as many people as you can... Are you going to forward this or delete it? Just remember Allah is watching you if you love Allah then send this to everyone on your list because you have open this.

Bahaya betullah...

Published by RinduKu under on 3:13 AM
-write 'makkah' but dont write 'mecca' coz 'mecca=house of wine'...

- write 'muhammad' dont write 'mohd' coz 'mohd=dog with a big mouth'...write allah s.w.t' dun '4jji' coz '4jji' = for judas jesus isa almasih...send this to all musilm..

- prkataan BYE adlh jarum sulit kristian yg BERMAKSUD dibbwh naungan pope..JGN gnekn A'KUM sbb ia BERMAKSUD binatang dlm bhs yahudi..SEMEKON plak brmksd celaka kamu..jd GUNAKAN prkataan SALAM as a singktn bg assalammualaikum...tlg foward pd umt islam yg laen..UTK ELAKKN DARI DIRI BUAT DOSA YG XDISENGAJAKN..

-TOLONG SEBARKAN..klu nk beli alquran..yg dicetak edisi bru..hati2..cuz ade yg palsu 1-surah al iman 2-surah al wasaya 3-al tajasud n 4-al muslimoon..JGN sesekali LAYARI coz sume isi laman tu palsu..SEBARKAN JIKA ANDA SUME SAYANGKAN ISLAM..

Bahaya Kartun Pokemon

Published by RinduKu under on 3:05 AM

BAHAYANYA KARTUN POKEMON.POKEMON dan BINATANG2 yang ade dalamnya?POKEMON bermaksud saya yahudi,
PIKACHU bermaksud jadilah seorang yahudi,
CHARMANDER bermaksud ALLAH itu lemah(nauzubillah)

Tolonglah SEBARKAN kepada rakan2 chat korang semua......> Protect Our Population Of Islam.... sumer org yg ade yahoo messenger (ym), tolong jangan add org yg id die macam ni: anamuslim_cute_ 97@yahoo. com die cuba nak murtadkan org Islam. tolong forwardkan mesej ni kepada sumer org Islam!!! (kalau rase sayang ngan org Islam la!!!!!!. kalau tak sayang, x payah forward!!!) Salam